Monday 13 October 2014

Naprotechnology Alternative to In Vitro? What is Naprotechnology?

NaProTechnology (Natural Procreative Technology - Method of natural procreation) is a method of diagnosis and treatment of some cases of infertility, the principles were developed in the 30s of the twentieth century. Its creator, Professor. Thomas Hilgers, he was convinced that the majority of couples who for unknown reasons over the years unsuccessfully trying to conceive, was badly diagnosed. In his opinion, to find the real causes of infertility can enable them to become pregnant naturally.

What Is Naproetchnologia
NaProTechnology involves very careful observation of the female cycle, based on the model of Creighton. Each pair must learn to intense scrutiny (even several times a day) and save in special tables the following parameters:
  • The amount of cervical mucus and its quality;
  • Other secretions from the vagina;
  • Moment of ovulation;
  • Intensity of menstrual bleeding;
  • Possibly spotting intermenstrual bleeding and variability;
  • The length of the cycle and its individual phases;

The observed results are transmitted to a doctor who also performs hormonal and ultrasound. Only then can a diagnosis, ie. Determine the cause of infertility, and develop a personalized form of treatment. This may be a hormonal therapy, gynecological or surgical (hysteroscopy, laparotomy, laparoscopy). Sometimes you only need a lifestyle change (change of diet, increased physical activity, smoking cessation) or intercourse at the time designated at the time of ovulation, the efforts have been successful. 

A complete cycle takes 24 months naprotechnologiczny, but in some cases, the couple can begin to try to have a baby much earlier. Moment of planned conception consult with a doctor who determines the most favorable time to fertilize the woman's cycle.

Effectiveness of NaProTechnology
In most cases (approx. 97 percent.) The doctor makes a correct diagnosis. However, this does not guarantee a cure infertility, and consequently - the pregnancy. Please note that allows cure infertility NaProTechnology only with minor surgical procedures, or hormonal therapy. Therefore, the chance of cure have, for example. Women with ovulation disorders, endometriosis, ovarian cysts or hormonal disorders. In other cases it is ineffective.

NaProTechnology - When it is ineffective?
NaProTechnology not help in the case of infertility or infertility, which results from:
  • genetic problems;
  • anatomical defects in women and men;
  • damage to reproductive organs, and consequently - their dysfunction;
  • irreversible changes caused endomeriozą;

NaProTechnology and In Vitro
NaProTechnology not an alternative to in vitro. The aim is to restore the possibility of NaProTechnology natural conception, therefore, not help it couples whose infertility are impossible to cure and rule out the possibility of natural conception. In this case, the last resort is only in vitro methods.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Makes It Difficult To Become Pregnant

Why PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) may be the cause of infertility? Women suffering from PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) are usually disturbed hormone balance. For high levels of LH and FSH ratio shattered / LH (hormones produced by the pituitary gland) make the ovaries increases the number of small, immature follicles follicle and not ovulating. As a result, there may arise the corpus luteum, and does not increase the amount of progesterone in the blood. A deficiency of progesterone is responsible for irregular periods, and too many follicles that produce androgens. Another bubbles grow and die, not releasing eggs.  Ovaries are full of such bubbles that turn into cystic, or cystic - hence the name polycystic ovary syndrome or polycystic. Also find out how to cure infertility with Pregnancy miracle book. The book was launched by Lisa Olson some years back and it remain tops of the list among the natural methods for curing infertility in women.
Doctors estimate that PCOS suffer from approx. 12 percent young women. In almost 40 percent have polycystic ovary syndrome is a cause of infertility (due to continuous or periodic lack of ovulation). I do not know exactly what is causing the problem. One theory is that the disease is genetic.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Diagnosis and Treatment Of Hormonal
The doctor first shall have the hormone levels in the blood and transvaginal ultrasound. If a woman suffers from PCOS, the ovaries on ultrasound images are encircled with a wreath of bubbles.
Treatment of this disease is difficult. Once doctors remove part of the ovary (or ovaries) to reduce androgen production and to facilitate mechanically ovulation. Now struggling with the consequences rather PCOS.
Normally therapy begins dropping recommendation overweight because fat - at least a little - but produces hormones (androgens also). If a woman smokes should quit smoking because nicotine stimulates the body to produce more androgens.
In the treatment of polycystic ovarian hormone therapy may be required. Doctor ordain generally preparations to restore the regularity of the cycle. They are usually contraceptives (eg. Diane 35, which is due to the antiandrogenic beneficial effect on the skin and at the same time is a contraceptive).
Thanks to the "dormant" for some time of the ovaries in the body decreases androgen levels and LH levels in the ovaries cease to appear cysts, and the ovary reduce its volume.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Makes It Difficult To Become Pregnant
Hormonal treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome often lasts many years. However, if a young woman planning to become pregnant, after several months of therapy is interrupted. It happens that this time is enough to hormonal status improved enough that there has been a release of a mature egg cell and fertilization. Sometimes, however, it is necessary to provide medication to stimulate ovulation.
A young woman whose doctor after the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome immediately prescribe treatment, has good chances of pregnancy and birth. In therapy there is nothing to wait, because the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome are more prevalent with age and then you can have problems conceiving. For this reason, doctors suggest that women with polycystic ovary syndrome to try to have a child before 25 years of age.
Sometimes too, so that a young woman with polycystic ovary syndrome occurs in the first pregnancy and gives birth to a child, and when, after some time trying to have another child has this trouble. Therefore, in order not to jeopardize the chances of motherhood, you need to start treatment as soon as possible.

The symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. When you find yourself in some of these symptoms, do not hesitate to report back to the gynecologist.
  • Unreasonable weight gain (especially around the waist).
  • Scanty or irregular menstrual periods.
  • Severe acne - also on the chest, back.
  • Excessive hair growth on the face, thighs, buttocks, back.
  • Thinning hair (called. Bend).
  • Hypertension.
  • Elevated levels of blood sugar.
  • Trouble conceiving.

What are the Causes of Infertility in Women?

In women at approx. third of cases of infertility is the result of hormonal disorders and disorders of ovulation (anovulation, including menopause, the inability of the egg to crack, by growth an empty bladder, and abnormal release of an egg from the follicle during ovulation). Moreover, the cause of infertility in women may be inflammation in the pelvic and scarring in the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine defects and her neck, "hostility" of the cervical mucus (then destroys sperm), Turner syndrome (a genetic disorder caused by the presence of a woman one instead of two X chromosomes). You can also find out how Pregnancy Miracle helps to solve infertility problems via natural methods explained by Lisa Olson.

infertility in women

As in men, may be a risk factor for damage to the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid disease, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other diseases, sexually transmitted and excessive thinness or obesity, alcoholism, immune system disorders, inherited diseases. Women with irregular cycles or amenorrhea, caused by being overweight or underweight can have temporary problems with fertility, but when body weight returns to normal menstrual cycle usually also stabilizing.

Treatment of Infertility Begins With Research
Fertility study women typically begins with the so-called. Ovulation test to show whether a woman properly produces ova. In order to examine the levels of sex hormones in the blood, in the respective periods of the menstrual cycle. Performed a number of other hormonal tests, ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs (it may show some irregularities pelvic, for example. Fibroids or polyps in the uterus).
In turn, HSG is a radiological examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes after administration of contrast medium, allows you to specify, among others, the status of tubal patency. During this test, the doctor can get a clipping from the lining of the uterine cavity to detect any abnormalities that prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum. Another method is a diagnostic laparoscopy, allowing viewing of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Diseases favorable infertility
More and more common hormonal disorder among women of childbearing age is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). This syndrome is characterized by hyperandrogenism (excessive amounts of male hormones in the blood) and, therefore, menstrual disorders, anovulation and infertility result.
The excess of male hormones, androgens, causing death of the follicle and the formation of cysts, which after many years leads to the creation of numerous problems in the ovary. And, if there are a lot, there are difficulties in conceiving. For PCO occurs probably due to a disorder of the enzyme responsible for the formation of male sex hormones in the ovaries and adrenal glands.
» Another, also becoming a more common cause of femaleinfertility is endometriosis (the endometrium - the uterine mucosa). In women with this condition occurs endometrium fragments migrate outside the uterine cavity. These fragments nest in other organs and tissues and proliferate there.
Most often in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, but also in distant organs such as the lungs or intestines. Because endometrial cells transferred to other locations subject to the same hormonal influences what endometrium in the uterus, peel off and bleeding occurs. However, this blood is not possible to find in the outflow from the body so formed cysts, adhesions can lead to the agglomeration of all elements of the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes). The result can be not only infertility, but many other diseases. » Fibroids is another fairly common cause of female infertility. Doctors estimate that at approx. 20 - 25 percent.
Women between 30 and 50 years of age there is one or more fibroids. Fibroids cause prolonged menstrual periods, difficulty getting pregnant, and miscarriage. Encourage them to hormonal imbalance and genetic disposition. » Polyps (in the body or in the neck of the uterus) - are flat oblong formations of the mucous membrane, which can occur in any part of the body. Those that appear in the body of the uterus, can cause infertility and heavy menstrual bleeding.
Pelvic inflammatory diseases are the cause of infertility in approx. 20 percent. Inflammatory diseases of women with this location. In approx. 75 percent. These conditions cause a Chlamydia trachomatis infection, a sexually transmitted. Acute or chronic inflammation after some time lead to scarring, abscess formation, damage to the fallopian tubes and thus infertility.
This type of infertility may also receive an artificial miscarriage. » ovarian failure - in the case of premature ovarian failure occurs early depletion of the stock of primary follicles in the ovaries (which can be caused, for example. cancer therapy, immune factors). It is true that scientists have recently begun to argue that the number of follicles in the ovaries is not given once and for all, but this theory requires further study.